jiān kè

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.do some teaching apart from one's main occupation; teach part-time in addition to one's primary job; teach as an adjunct professor

    • zài lìng yī xué xiào jiān kè


      teach some extra classes in another school

    • jiān kè jiào yuán


      part-time teacher

  • 2

    v.teach two or more courses concurrently; hold two or more teaching jobs concurrently

    • xué xiào lǐng dǎo gàn bù kě yǐ jiān kè dà jūn qū hé suǒ shǔ bù mén de lǐng dǎo tóng zhì yě dōu kě yǐ jiān kè


      Leading school cadres can teach part time, as can leading comrades of the greater military regions and their subordinate departments.

Word usage

  • "兼" and "课" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 大学

      He is a part time teacher in the university.

    • 学校

      He also teaches three courses in school.

    • 大学

      I was a part time teacher in that university.