jiān miè

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.annihilate; destroy; wipe out

    • jí zhōng yōu shì bīng lì zhú gè jiān miè dí rén


      concentrate a superior force to wipe out the enemy forces one by one

    • jiān miè dí rén de yǒu shēng lì liàng


      wipe out the enemy's effective strength

    • jiān miè xìng dǎ jī


      a crushing blow

    • jiān miè dí rén


      Annihilate the enemy!

    • dí jūn yī gè shī quán bèi jiān miè le


      A division of enemy troops was completely annihilated.

    • jiān miè cán dí


      wipe out enemy remnants

    • zài zhī hòu de sān gè yuè zhōng wǒ men jiān miè le dà yuē gè lǚ


      We destroyed about 25 brigades in the next three months.

    • wǒ men shī qù le jiān miè dí rén de zuì hǎo shí jī


      We have lost the optimal time to annihilate the enemy.

    • wǒ men bì xū jù dí ér jiān miè zhī


      We must herd the enemy troops together and annihilate them.

Word usage

  • Note
    "歼灭" is different from "消灭". "歼灭" is mostly used in the military, and the target is mostly limited to the enemy; "消灭" can be used in both military and other areas, and the target is not limited to the enemy.