jiǎn yuán

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.deplete numbers (in the armed forces, etc.); reduce personnel

    • zhè ge dān wèi jiāng bǔ chōng yuē bǎi míng zì ran jiǎn yuán


      About 100 persons will replace those who retire or cannot work for various reasons in this unit.

    • zhàn dòu jiǎn yuán


      combat depletion of strength

    • zhè ge jiā tíng jiǎn yuán gé wài yán zhòng


      The family has suffered a terrible loss.

  • 2

    v.cut down on the size of a staff; reduce staff numbers; downsize

    • jiǎn yuán zēng xiào


      downsize the personnel for efficiency

    • fēi cháng yí hàn de shì bù mén yào jiǎn yuán zhì sān rén


      It is with great regret that our department has to downsize to three people.

Word usage

  • "减" and "员" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 我们战斗

      Our regiment lost members in the last battle.

    • 最近企业

      Many companies have reduced their staff recently.

    • 你们公司什么时候

      When did your company reduce personnel?