jiǎng qíng

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.intercede; ask for leniency for somebody

    • tā mǔ qīn tì tā xiàng fǎ guān jiǎng qíng


      His mother pleaded with the judge for him.

    • wǒ wèi tā xiàng lǎo bǎn jiǎng qíng


      I interceded for him with the boss.

    • chū yú yī gè péng you jiǎng qíng wǒ de qǐng qiú dé dào le tóng yì


      Through the intercession of a friend, my request was granted.

Word usage

  • "讲" and "情" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • I have interceded for you.

    • 出面

      It was I who interceded for you.

    • 非常原则

      He is a very principled man and has never ask for leniency for anyone.