jiāo xīn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.lay one's heart bare; open one's heart (to somebody)

    • lǐng dǎo yào cháng yǔ qún zhòng jiāo xīn


      Leaders should often bare their hearts to the masses.

    • tōng guò jiāo xīn tā men xiāng hù jiā shēn liǎo jiě


      They deepened their mutual understanding by having a heart-to-heart.

    • tā yǔ péng you jìn xíng le yī fān jiāo xīn zhī tán


      She opened her heart to have a chat with her friend.

    • tā chī le kuī hòu cái fā xiàn zì jǐ zhēn zhèng néng jiāo xīn de rén liáo liáo wú jǐ


      There are very few people he can talk to in total confidence, as he has discovered to his cost.

Word usage

  • "交" and "心" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 我们已经

      We've had a heart-to-heart talk.

Chinese words with pinyin jiao xin