jiē céng

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.(social) stratum; hierarchy; rank

    • nǐ men bù yào yuàn shēng zài dào le yào zhī dào lǐng dǎo jiē céng yǐ jìn lì ér wéi le


      Don't complain about it, know that the leadership has done its best.

    • zhè xiē gōng zuò zài fú chí pín kùn jiē céng fā zhǎn jīng jì děng fāng miàn fā huī jī jí zuò yòng


      These tasks have played an active role in supporting the poor and developing the economy.

    • gè jiē céng de rén sì hū dōu duì cǐ biǎo shì tóng yì


      People of every rank seemed to agree on this.

  • 2

    n.social stratum whose members come from different social classes but who share a common feature

    • shòu yì zhě zhǐ shì dài biǎo tè quán tǒng zhì jiē céng lì yì de shǎo shù qún tǐ


      The beneficiaries are only minority groups representing the interests of the privileged ruling class.

    • zhè shì yī gè gōng xīn jiē céng jiā tíng de rì cháng shēng huó


      This is the daily life of a working-class family.

    • tā men dōu shì zhuān hèng bào lì de guì zú jiē céng


      They are all tyrannical and tyrannical classes.

Word usage

  • "阶层" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 阶层

      one class