
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    measure worda component part in a sequence; level; indicate things that are arranged one on top of the other

    • chuāng hu shang zhuāng yǒu liǎng céng jiā hòu bō li


      The Windows have double glazing.

    • zhuō zi shang jī le yī céng huī


      There was a layer of dust on the table.

    • tā de huà hái yǒu yī céng yì si


      His words have an additional meaning.

  • 2

    v.fmloverlap; tier; pile on top of another

    • céng chū bù qióng

      emerge in an endless stream

    • céng luán dié zhàng

      layer upon layer of peaks and knolls

    • céng xiàn dié chū

      emerge one after another

  • 3

    n.thing made up of layers

    • zhè ge chéng shì yǒu hěn duō gāo céng jiàn zhù


      There are many tall buildings in this city.

    • yún céng

      cloud layer

    • dà qì céng


Words and phrases with 层

Chinese Characters with pinyin céng