
Chinese dictionary
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  • n.police van

    • wǒ men jià chē lí kāi hòu miàn yǒu yī liàng jǐng chē gēn zhe zhuī gǎn


      We drove away with a police cars in pursuit.

    • tā tiào xia jǐng chē pǎo diào le


      He jumped off the police van and ran away.

    • zhè huǒ dǎi tú tīng jiàn jǐng chē shēng jiù táo zǒu le


      The gang took flight when they heard the police car.

    • liǎng liàng jǐng chē


      two police cars

Word usage

  • "警车" is often matched with measure word "辆"or"排".
    • 警车

      one police car

    • 警车

      one row of a police car