jiū xīn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.be anxious; be worried

    • tā dào xiàn zài hái méi yǒu huí lái zhēn jiào rén jiū xīn


      He's still not back. I'm really getting worried.

    • tīng dào zhè xiāo xi tā jiū xīn jí le


      He stomach knotted at the news.

    • wǒ de hái zi men xià luò bù míng zhēn ràng rén jiū xīn


      It was agony not knowing where my children were.

  • 2

    adj.heartrending; agonizing

    • wǒ mèi mei de shāng kǒu téng de jiū xīn jí le


      There was a great gnawing pain from the wound.

    • wǒ gǎn dào jiū xīn bān yī zhèn jù tòng


      Pain twisted my heart.

Word usage

  • "揪" and "心" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • He was worried about it day and night.

    • 妈妈病情

      He is worried about his mother's illness.

    • 没关系什么

      It has nothing to do with you. What are you worried about?