
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.trumpet; suona (a woodwind instrument)

    • zhè xiē lǎ ba pò jiù bù kān


      These speakers are fucked up.

    • yī duǒ duǒ shí liu huā xiàng yī gè gè xiǎo lǎ ba


      Pomegranate flowers, like a small trumpet.

    • wǒ men yǐ lǎ ba shǒu wéi qián dǎo áng shǒu kuò bù de zǒu jìn dà tīng


      We strutted into the hall, preceded by the trumpeters.

  • 2

    n.loudspeaker; horn (in a car)

    • xué xiào fù jìn jìn zhǐ míng qì chē lǎ ba


      No honking cars horns near the school.

    • xiǎng liàng de shèng dàn gē qǔ shēng cóng lǎ ba li chuán le chū lai


      Christmas songs blared from loudspeakers.

    • wū zi lǐ de lǎ ba jìng rán wú yuán wú gù de xiǎng le qǐ lai


      The horn in the house went off for no reason.but the horn sounded for no reason.

Word usage

  • "喇叭" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 喇叭

      one trumpet