lěng chǎng

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.awkward silence on the stage when an actor enters late or forgets his lines

    • lěng chǎng le yī xià


      froze up for a moment

    • wǔ tái shang chū xiàn le lìng rén gān gà de lěng chǎng yú shì guān zhòng qiè xiào qǐ lai


      There was an embarrassing pause on stage and the audience began to titter.

    • yǐ yì dà lì yǔ pái yǎn zhěng bù xì jù bì miǎn lěng chǎng ràng yǎn yuán men lín chǎng sī kǎo fǎn yìng jí biǎo yǎn


      Italian Run Through, to reduce dead air, and make the actors think and react and act on their feet.

  • 2

    v.be met with awkward silence at a meeting; face awkward silence at a meeting or discussion when nobody speaks

    • lěng chǎng le hěn cháng yī duàn shí jiān


      There was a very long silence.

    • dà huì shang dà jiā fā yán hěn rè liè méi yǒu lěng chǎng


      Everybody spoke enthusiastically at the meeting. There were no awkward silences.

    • dǎ pò lěng chǎng jú miàn


      break the silence

Word usage

  • "冷" and "场" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 表演

      He has never faced awkward silence when he acted.

    • 不要会议

      Please avoid awkward silence at a meeting.

    • 笑话打破僵局

      It was in the middle of awkward silence when her joke broke this deadlock.