lǐ wài

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.inside and outside

    • yuàn zi lǐ wài dōu dǎ sǎo de gān gān jìng jìng


      The courtyard has been swept clean inside and out.

    • wǒ de yī fu lǐ wài dōu bèi lín tòu le


      The rain had soaked through every layer of my clothing.

  • 2

    adv.(used after round numbers) about; approximately; or so; roughly

    • tā kàn shàng qù bù guò sān shí suì lǐ wài


      He looks like he's roughly thirty years old.

Word usage

  • "里外" can be reduplicated, for example: "里里外外".
    • 屋子打扫干净

      The house has been given a thorough cleaning, inside and outside.

Chinese words with pinyin li wai