lì yuē

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.conclude/sign a contract; conclude/sign a treaty; draw up an agreement (or a contract)

    • nǐ hé wǒ men lì yuē wǒ men jiù zuò nǐ de shùn mín


      Come to terms with us and we will be your subjects.

    • qiān zì lì yuē


      conclude a contract and sign it

    • zū fáng xiān děi lì yuē


      A contract must be drawn up before the house can be rented.

    • shuāng fāng lì yuē


      The two sides concluded a treaty.

    • lì yuē fāng


      contracting party

    • yǐ lì yuē bǎ suǒ yǒu shōu yì juān gěi yī liáo cí shàn jī gòu


      All profits are covenanted to medical charities.

Word usage

  • "立" and "约" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • A contract must be signed when people rent houses.

    • 今天不了

      We can't sign the contract today.

    • Who did you sign the contract with?

Chinese words with pinyin li yue