liàn dān

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.make pills of immortality; make the elixir of life

    • liàn dān shù shì


      Taoist alchemist

    • zhōng shì jì liàn dān shù shì qǐ tú bǎ jiàn jīn shǔ liàn chéng jīn


      Medieval alchemists attempted to transmute base metals into gold.

Word usage

  • "炼" and "丹" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • The furnace can't be used to make pills of immortality.

    • 多少

      How many pills of immortality did you make?

    • 炼丹去年成功

      The alchemist managed to make pills of immortality last year.