liù wān r

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.dialtake a walk; go for a walk

    • wǒ wǎn fàn hòu dào gōng yuán liù wān r


      I went for a stroll in the park after supper.

    • tā dài zhe xiǎo gǒu liù wān r qù le


      He took his dog for a walk.

    • wǒ měi tiān dài gǒu liù wān r


      I take my dog for walks every day.

Word usage

  • "遛" and "弯儿" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 我们晚饭公园弯儿

      Let’s take a walk in the park after supper.

    • 不了弯儿

      I can't take a walk.