
Chinese dictionary
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  • after another; successively

    • dài biǎo men lù xù lái le


      The delegates arrived one after another.

    • huā yuán li de huā lù xù de dōu kāi le


      The flowers in the garden bloom in succession.

    • kè rén men lù xù dào dá


      The guests came one after another.

    • xīn gōng chǎng lù xù tóu rù shēng chǎn


      A succession of new factories have gone into production.

    • péng you jiàn tā zhè yàng méi tóu méi nǎo de jiù lù xù sàn qù zhǐ shèng wǒ hé tā le


      When friends saw that he was uttering nonsense, they began to leave one after another until there were only him and me left.

    • xuǎn jǔ jié guǒ lù xù chuán lái shī luò de qíng xù yuè lái yuè yán zhòng


      The gloom deepened as the election results came in.

Word usage

  • "陆续" can be reduplicated, for example: "陆陆续续".
    • 上午10开门时间顾客

      Shoppers began arriving long before the 10am opening time.