丈a unit of length equal to 3.3333 metres; measure
义务obligation; moral obligation
企stand on tiptoe; look forward to
叹息let out/heave/utter/give a sigh
同情sympathize with; approve of or agree with somebody's action
吕six even-numbered note in the ancient Chinese musical temperament; a state in the Zhou Dynasty
尸person representing spirit of the dead person during sacrifices; corpse
扰disturb; trespass on somebody's hospitality
效follow the example of; devote to
曹people of the same kind; department of government under the monarch
狠心harden one's heart; firm decision
皮肤skin; character setting in games
绪end of a silk thread; remnants
肤skin; superficial and shallow
胃stomach; one of the 28 constellations of the celestial sphere
葬bury; disposal of the body of the deceased according to customs
袭make a surprise attack/assault on; copy
袭make a surprise attack/assault on; copy
袭击make a surprise attack; raid
触touch; stir up sb.'s feelings
蹬press down or push with the foot; step on
麻general name for hemp, flax, jute, etc.; fiber of hemp, flax, etc. for textile materials