mài zhǔ

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.seller; bargainer; one who sells goods or property

    • wǒ xiǎng yǔ mài zhǔ dāng miàn yì jià


      I want to negotiate the price face to face with the seller.

    • yǐ pāi mài fāng shì chū shòu tǔ di shí mài zhǔ zhī fù de fèi yòng tōng cháng gāo yú sī xià xié yì de fāng shì


      The cost to the vendor of selling land by auction is normally higher than by private treaty.

    • huò wù de yùn fèi yīng yóu mài zhǔ fù zé ba


      The seller should bear all the costs of transportation of the goods.

    • qíng kuàng de biàn huà shǐ mài zhǔ qīng xiàng yú bù kěn bào pán


      Change in the situation dispose seller to withhold offering.

Word usage

  • "卖主" is often matched with measure word "个"or"位".
    • 卖主

      one vendor

    • 卖主

      one vendor

Chinese words with pinyin mai zhu