nán diǎn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.difficulty; aporia; difficult point

    • yóu yú hàn zì jù yǒu qū bié yú pīn yīn wén zì de zì shēn tè diǎn duì wài hàn zì jiào xué lì lái bèi rèn wéi shì duì wài hàn yǔ jiào xué zhōng de yī dà nán diǎn


      Since Chinese characters bear their own characteristics which are different from the phonetic system, Chinese characters teaching has been long considered as a difficult point in Teaching Chinese as Foreign language.

    • chōu bá jiāo chā xíng xīn jī gòu shè jì shì yā zhù mó shè jì de nán diǎn zhī yī


      The design of mechanism pumping crossed cores is a difficult point in die casting moulds.

Word usage

  • "难点" is often matched with measure word "个"or"处".
    • 难点

      one difficulty

    • 难点

      one difficulty