
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.(TV) frequency channel; (of radio or television) channel

    • gōng sī tí gōng èr shí duō gè miǎn fèi shōu shì pín dào


      The company provides more than 20 free-to-air channels.

    • gōng sī kě yǐ zài dú lì diàn shì tái hé dì sì pín dào chū zī zuò jié mù guǎng gào le


      Companies will be able to sponsor programmes on ITV and Channel 4.

    • diàn shì pín dào


      television channel

  • 2

    n.topic of conversation

    • wǒ men liǎ bù zài yī gè pín dào liáo bù dào yī qǐ


      We are not at the same topic of conversation.

    • tā men liǎ yǒng yuǎn bù zài yī gè pín dào


      They're never on the same topic.

    • nǐ men de pín dào wǒ róng rù bù jìn qu


      I can't relate to your topic.

Word usage

  • "频道" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 频道

      one channel

Chinese words with pinyin pin dao