
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.involve; drag into; implicate

    • tā gēn yī bāng kǒng bù fèn zǐ yǒu qiān chě


      She got involved with a gang of terrorists.

    • hái yǒu qí tā rén yě qiān chě qí zhōng


      There are other people involved as well.

    • zhè shì yù wǒ wú guān bù yào bǎ wǒ qiān chě jìn qu


      It's nothing to do with me, so don't try to involve me.

Word usage

  • "牵扯" can be reduplicated, for example: "牵牵扯扯".
    • 情感纠缠

      I don't want to have emotional entanglement with you.

Chinese words with pinyin qian che