qiàn qíng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.be indebted to somebody; owe somebody a debt of gratitude; have not rewarded somebody for his or her kindness

    • bù qiàn qíng


      owe nothing to

    • rén jia rè qíng jiē dài wǒ méi yǒu dào xiè jué de yǒu diǎn qiàn qíng


      Having not thanked them for their warm reception, I feel a bit indebted to them.

    • tā bāng le hěn duō máng yě méi hǎo hǎo xiè xie zǒng jué de qiàn qíng


      He helped us so much, and we never even thanked him properly. We feel indebted to him.

    • wèi le yī gè nǚ hái qù shāng hài lìng yī gè nǚ hái nǐ yī bèi zi dōu zài qiàn qíng


      To hurt another girl for one girl, you have been in debt all your life.

Word usage

  • "欠" and "情" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 许多

      I still owe him a lot.

    • I owed him.

    • 怎么报答

      I really don't know how to repay you for your kindness.