
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.go to school; attend school

    • dàng shí zhèng shì tā zài běi dà qiú xué zhī jì


      He was then studying at Beijing University.

    • qiú xué de shí hou tā de jiā jìng yǐ jīng líng luò


      His family was declining when he pursued studies.

    • wǒ bǎ ér zi sòng dào dé guó qù qiú xué


      I sent our son away to school in Germany.

  • 2

    v.fmlseek knowledge; pursue one's studies

    • qiú xué bù chuò


      never stop seeking knowledge

    • tā xià jué xīn dào guó wài qiú xué


      She set her heart on pursuing her studies abroad.

Word usage

  • "求" and "学" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 美国

      He studied in the United States for three years.

    • He went abroad to study.