
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.breach; gap; opening

    • gāng zi shang yǒu yī gè quē kǒu


      The mug has a chip in it.

    • tā cóng zhà lan shang de quē kǒu jǐ jin qu


      He squeezed in through a breach in the fence.

    • wǎn biān shang yǒu gè quē kǒu


      The bowl has a broken edge.

  • 2

    n.(of funds, materials, etc.) gap

    • zī jīn quē kǒu hěn dà


      There is a great deficiency of funds.

    • tuī chū xiāng duì lián jià de yī xì liè chǎn pǐn shì wèi le tián bǔ shì chǎng de quē kǒu


      A cheaper range of products was introduced to plug the gap at the lower end of the market.

    • jī jīn quē kǒu shì bù tài róng yì mí bǔ de


      The funding gap will not be filled easily.

Word usage

  • "缺" and "口" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 袋子容易

      There is a hole in the bag so that it can be easily torn.

    • 只有

      There was only one clay pot with a gaping hole in it in the house.

  • "缺口" is often matched with measure word "个"or"点"or"道".
    • 缺口

      one gap

    • 缺口

      a little gap

    • 缺口

      one gap