rè gǒu

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.hot dog

    • tā mǎi le rè gǒu zài shàng miàn sǎ mǎn le gè sè pèi cài


      He bought a hot dog and had it covered with all the fixings.

    • tā hé péng you yī qǐ qù mǎi rè gǒu


      She went to buy hot dogs with her friends.

    • nǐ xǐ huan chī rè gǒu ma


      Do you like hot dogs?

    • lù biān yǒu shā lā huǒ tuǐ sān míng zhì rè gǒu děng gāo diǎn xiǎo chī


      Pastries such as salads, ham sandwiches and hot dogs are served by the roadside.

Word usage

  • "热狗" is often matched with measure word "个"or"根"or"份".
    • 热狗

      one hot dog

    • 热狗

      one hot dog

    • 热狗

      one hot dog