Common food

Common words
Here is the vocabulary of the most common food.

sān míng zhì三明治sandwich

bīng qí lín冰淇淋ice cream

bāo zi包子steamed stuffed bun

wǔ cān午餐lunch

kě lè可乐Coca Cola; funny

wèi dào味道taste; smell

kā fēi咖啡coffee; coffee powder

pí jiǔ啤酒beer

nǎi chá奶茶tea with milk

nǎi lào奶酪cheese

qiǎo kè lì巧克力chocolate

nián gāo年糕New Year cake

kuài cān快餐snack

shàn bèi扇贝scallop

guà miàn挂面fine dried noodles

liào jiǔ料酒cooking wine

fāng biàn miàn方便面instant noodles

zǎo cān早餐breakfast

wǎn cān晚餐dinner

qū qí曲奇cookie

guǒ zhī果汁fruit juice

guǒ jiàng果酱jam

zhèng cān正餐regular meal

shuǐwater; a general term for rivers, lakes, seas, etc.

hàn bǎo bāo汉堡包hamburger

tānghot water; hot springs

tāng yuán汤圆dumplings made of glutinous rice flour served in soup

shā lā沙拉salad

yóuoil; apply tung oil or paint

huǒ tuǐ火腿ham

kǎo yā烤鸭roast duck

shāo bing烧饼sesame seed cake

rè gǒu热狗hot dog

jiān bing煎饼thin pancake made of millet flour, etc.

niú pái牛排beefsteak

bái jiǔ白酒spirit

pí dàn皮蛋preserved egg

yántable salt; salt

rice; shelled or husked seed

mǐ fěn米粉rice flour; rice noodles

mǐ xiàn米线rice noodles

mǐ fàn米饭rice


zòng zi粽子sticky rice dumplings wrapped in reed leaves

tángsugar; sugar

ròumeat; pulp

chátea; tea


dàn tà蛋挞egg tart

dàn gāo蛋糕cake



jiàng yóu酱油soy

suān nǎi酸奶yoghurt

vinegar; jealousy

lǐ ji里脊tenderloin

jīn qiāng yú金枪鱼tunas

líng shí零食between-meal nibbles

miàn bāo面包bread

miàn fěn面粉wheat flour

yǐn liào饮料drink

jiǎo zi饺子dumpling

bǐnga round flat cake; something in the shape of a cake

bǐng gān饼干biscuit

hún tun馄饨dumpling soup

mán tou馒头steamed bread; steamed stuffed bun

fish; a surname

yú ròu鱼肉the flesh of fish; fish and meat

yóu yú鱿鱼squid

jī xiōng鸡胸pectus carinatum

yā dàn鸭蛋duck's egg; zero

lóng xiā龙虾lobster

chéng zhī橙汁orange juice/crush/squash/extract

niú nǎi牛奶cow's milk

miàn tiáo面条noodles

xiǎo lóng xiā小龙虾crawfish

hàn bǎo汉堡Hamburg

chǎo fàn炒饭fry rice; fried rice

zhá jī炸鸡fried chicken

niú ròu牛肉beef

zhū ròu猪肉pork

yáng pái羊排mutton/lamp chop

yáng ròu羊肉mutton

xiàn bǐng馅饼pie

lú yú鲈鱼perch

lǐ yú鲤鱼carp

jì yú鲫鱼crucian carp

xuě yú鳕鱼cod

jī ròu鸡肉chicken

jī dàn鸡蛋egg

yā ròu鸭肉duck

yún tūn云吞wonton

xiǎo lóng bāo小笼包A type of steamed bun or baozi from Shanghai and Wuxi. It is traditionally steamed in small bamboo baskets, hence the name.

yì dà lì miàn意大利面pasta

kǎo jī烤鸡roast chicken

mán yú鳗鱼sea eel

jī chì鸡翅chicken wing

jī tuǐ鸡腿chicken leg

huǒ tuǐ cháng火腿肠ham sausage

jī pái鸡排chicken breast