rén lì chē

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.handcart; man powered cart; a two-wheeled vehicle drawn by man

    • tā dā chéng chuán zhī huǒ chē rén lì chē shān bǎn qí mǎ yǐ jí lǘ zi de fāng shì wán chéng le zhè xiàng zhuàng jǔ


      He traveled by ship, train, jinrikisha, sampan, horse, and donkey to make it.

    • cǎi yòng tà gǎn shì qū dòng jī gòu de rén lì chē


      Man-powered vehicle with foot-arm drivingmechanism

    • zài jiǔ diàn fú wù yuán chuān zhe qí zhěng de huī sè fú zhuāng lǚ yóu rén lì chē de sī jī shēn zhuó shí máo ér pǔ sù de qiǎn hè sè duǎn shàng yī


      At the hotel, the staff were wearing smart grey dresses; the men driving the tourist rickshaws were in fashionably rustic beige jerkins.

  • 2


    • tú piàn wéi yìn dù ér tóng chéng rén lì chē huí jiā de qíng jǐng


      The picture shows an Indian child taking a rickshaw home.

    • jiě fàng qián tā bù dé bù lā rén lì chē lái zhēng diǎn qián


      Before liberation, he had to pull a rickshaw to earn a little money.

    • shì lǐ suí chǔ kě jiàn de rén lì chē zhǐ xū shí wǔ měi fēn


      Rickshaw anywhere in the city costs fifteen cents.

Word usage

  • "人力车" is often matched with measure word "辆".
    • 人力车

      one rickshaw