rì qián

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.the other day; a few days ago

    • rì qián tā céng lái guò yī cì


      She came once the other day.

    • wǒ rì qián jiē dào yī gè tōng gào


      I received a notification in the last few days.

    • rì qián jiè nǐ de nà bǐ qián qǐng hái wǒ


      Please return to me the money I lent you the other day.

Word usage

  • Note
    1. "日前" is different from "目前". "日前" refers to a period of time in the past; "目前" refers to a period of time in the present. 2. "日前" has the opposite meaning of "日内". "日前" refers to the days before now; "日内" refers to the days after now.