shàng cài

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.serve the food/dishes

    • shàng cài de shí hou pèi yī fèn shū cài shā lā


      Serve with a green salad.

    • rú guǒ fú wù yuán hái bù shàng cài wǒ men jiù zǒu


      If the waitress doesn't take our order, we're rolling.

  • 2 quality dish

    • pèi jiǔ de shàng cài


      ideal accompaniment to alcoholic drinks

Word usage

  • "上" and "菜" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 服务员

      The waiter served four courses.

    • 服务员

      After serving the food, the waiter left.

    • Food for this table has been served.