shàng gòng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1 offerings on an altar; offer up a sacrifice

    • gěi zǔ xiān shàng gòng


      offer up a sacrifice to one's ancestors

  • 2

    v.metagrease somebody's palm

    • bù shàng gòng bàn bù chéng shì


      Nothing gets done unless a palm is greased.

Word usage

  • "上" and "供" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 我们刚刚一块儿

      We just offered up a sacrifice.

    • 点儿

      I have to ask him to grease my palm.

    • 虽然还是

      Although he had bribed the officer, it didn't work.