shàng zhèn

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.go into battle

    • tā zài quán fù wǔ zhuāng de zhuāng jiǎ zhàn jī zhōng shàng zhèn le


      He went into battle in a heavily armed and armoured war machine.

  • 2

    v.metatake part in a match; pitch into the work

    • wǒ men yī qǐ shàng zhèn gōng zuò hěn kuài jiù jié shù le


      We all pitched in and soon finished the job.

    • tā shǒu cì shàng zhèn jiù jī bài le guàn jūn ér yī míng jīng rén


      He marked his debut by beating the champion for the first time.

    • nán nǚ lǎo shào fēn fēn shàng zhèn


      Men and women, old and young, all pitched into the work.

Word usage

  • "上" and "阵" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 既然已经继续战斗

      Now that we are in the battle, we can only continue to fight.

    • He has pitched into the work.

    • 我们主力队员不了

      Our key player can't play.