shāo zhǐ

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.(superstition) burn paper money for the dead

    • zhōng guó mín jiān lǐ jiào shuō gěi shén líng shāo zhǐ shāo xiāng nǐ jiāng huì yǒu hǎo yùn qi


      The Chinese folk religion teaches, "burn incense and paper money to gods so that you will be blessed with good fortune."

    • sǎo mù shāo zhǐ zài qīng míng qián yī zhōu jiù kāi shǐ le


      Tomb-sweeping and paper-burning started a week before Tomb-sweeping Day.

  • 2

    n.paper money burnt as an offering to the dead; sacrificial paper money

    • wèi le ān quán hé huán jìng wǒ hái shi diǎn shàng yī zhī xiǎo là zhú jiù bù shāo zhǐ le


      For safety and environment protection, I will not burn papers in the traditional Chinese way, but light a small candle instead.

Word usage

  • "烧" and "纸" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 亲人回去

      He went back after burning spirit-money for his dead family members.

Chinese words with pinyin shao zhi