
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.permeate; seep through

    • yǔ shuǐ hěn róng yì shèn tòu mián bù yī fu


      Rainwater will easily permeate a cotton dress.

    • shuǐ huì shèn tòu jìn zhōu wéi de hùn níng tǔ zhōng


      The water will permeate through the surrounding concrete.

    • xuè liú de tài duō shèn tòu le wǒ de píng jiǎo duǎn kù


      There was so much blood it had soaked through my boxer shorts.

  • 2

    v.metapenetrate; (often of something abstract) infiltrate; pervade

    • měi yī jiàn zuò pǐn dōu shèn tòu le tā de xīn xuè


      Every work embodies the painstaking effort of him.

    • měi yī xiàng jiàn shè gōng chéng shang dōu shèn tòu zhe shè jì rén yuán hé gōng rén de xīn xuè


      Every construction project embodies the painstaking effort of the designers and workers.

    • tè gōng shèn tòu dào dí rén zhèn dì hòu miàn qù le


      The secret agent infiltrated into the enemy positions.