shēng huó fèi

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.cost of living; allowance; expenses to support oneself

    • àn yuè fā shēng huó fèi


      The living allowance is issued monthly.

    • rèn hé yī gè cāo chí jiā tíng de zhǔ fù bù yán jiū shēng huó fèi zhǐ shù yě dōu zhī dào shēng huó de nán chu


      Any working housewife with a family to feed knows where the shoe pinches without studying cost of living indexes.

Word usage

  • "生活费" is often matched with measure word "笔"or"月".
    • 生活费

      one sum of living expenses

    • 生活费

      living expenses for one month