
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.generations; generation after generation

    • tā jiā shì dài xíng yī


      His family practises medicine for generations.

    • zhè hù rén jiā shì dài yǐ zhòng tián wéi shēng


      This family has been farming for generations.

    • zhè shì shì dài rén mín de mèng xiǎng


      This has been the dream of generations of people.

  • 2

    n.fmlmany years; long period of time; an epoch or era

    • nà xiē gé yán bù zhī dào liú chuán le duō shǎo shì dài


      Those adages have been in circulation for God knows how many years.

Word usage

  • "世代" can be reduplicated, for example: "世世代代".
    • 人民应当世世代代友好下去

      The Chinese and Japanese people should keep on friendly terms for all generations.