
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.age; time; years; era

    • nà xiē gǔ dǒng kǒng pà yǒu xiē nián dài le


      I'm afraid those antiques go back to many, many years ago.

    • zhè fú huà de nián dài bù xiáng


      The age of the painting is unknown.

    • nián dài jiǔ le shí bēi shang de zì jì yǐ jīng mó hu le


      The inscriptions on the stone tablet have become blurred with the passage of time.

  • 2

    n.a decade of a century

    • yīng guó gōng yè zì shì jì nián dài yǐ lái yī zhí zài zǒu xià pō lù


      Industry in Britain has been in decline since the 1970s.

    • tā shì nián dài de yīng xióng rén wù


      He was a hero in the 1990s.

    • zhè zhǒng guǎn lǐ mó shì zài èr shí shì jì bā shí nián dài dé dào le rèn kě


      This management style gained acceptance in the 1980s.

Word usage

  • "年代" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 年代

      one age