
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.habit; hobby; (usually harmful) addiction; fad

    • tā méi yǒu qí tā de shì hào jiù xǐ huan hē diǎn jiǔ


      He has no addictions other than a liking for alcohol.

    • tā de shì hào hái yǒu xí guàn yù tā qī zi de qià hǎo xiāng tóng


      His tastes and habits coincide with those of his wife.

    • duì yīn yuè de shì hào


      love of music

  • 2 obsessed with

    • wǒ méi bié de tè bié xǐ huan de dōng xi jiù shì hào xià bān hòu hē diǎn xiǎo jiǔ


      I don't have anything else I particularly like. I like to drink a little wine after work.

Word usage

  • Note
    "嗜好" is different from "爱好". 1) "嗜好" carries a stronger meaning than "爱好". 2) "嗜好" is sometimes used in derogatory meaning; "爱好" are generally used in praise.