shǒu yè

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.keep watch at night; spend the night on watch

    • shǒu yè de rén


      night watcher

    • xià zhōu hái jiāng jìn xíng zhú guāng shǒu yè hú shè qū yì shù xiàng mù huó dòng


      Candlelight vigils and community arts project will be also held next week.

    • xué shēng men jiāng zài lián hé guó jǔ xíng shǒu yè


      Students will hold a vigil at the United Nations.

    • tā yǐ wéi tā shì lái cān jiā zhú guāng shǒu yè de


      He thought he was coming to a candlelight vigil.

Word usage

  • "守" and "夜" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 除夕我们

      We stayed up all night on New Year's Eve.

    • 灵堂

      I spent the night at the funeral hall.