shòu jiǎng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.award somebody a prize; grant an award to somebody; present awards

    • shòu jiǎng gěi mǒu rén


      award a prize to somebody

    • shòu jiǎng diǎn lǐ


      prizegiving ceremony

    • qí zhōng yī xiē zuì zhù míng de gē xīng zài shòu jiǎng qián jiāng jiù tā men zuì jìn de gōng zuò jiē shòu cǎi fǎng


      Some of the most famous stars will be interviewed about their recent work before the awards start.

Word usage

  • "授" and "奖" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 颁奖嘉宾运动员

      The presenters awarded prizes to the winning athletes.

    • 主席爷爷

      Chairman Mao gave my grandfather an award.