shǔ míng

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.sign; signature

    • quán zǔ tóng zhì dōu zài zhè fēng xìn shang shǔ míng le


      The letter was jointly signed by all the comrades of the group.

    • zhè shì yī fèn yǒu shǔ míng de shēng míng


      This is a statement with signature.

    • zhè fēng xìn shang méi yǒu tā de shǔ míng


      The letter didn't bear his signature.

    • shǔ míng shì tā de wén zhāng


      article signed by him

    • shǔ míng huà yā


      sign one's name and affix one's seal to a document

    • jù jué shǔ míng


      withhold one's signature

    • qīn bǐ shǔ míng


      authentic signature

    • tā shǔ míng de zuò pǐn yǒu là zhī zhēn qín tú fú róng jǐn jī tú ruì hè tú děng duō fú


      Representative works with his signature include Wild Birds on Wild Prunus, Hibiscus and Golden Pheasant and Cranes.

Word usage

  • "署" and "名" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 以后销量翻番

      Sales have doubled since he signed the name.

    • 文章最后

      Don't forget to sign your name at the end of the article.

    • 教材

      This textbook bears my name.

Chinese words with pinyin shu ming