
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.ideology; thinking

    • tā sī xiǎng qǐ wǎng shì shān rán lèi xià


      He thought about the past and wept.

    • ràng ér tóng kàn tú huà yǒu shí yǒu zhù yú tā men yòng yán yǔ biǎo dá sī xiǎng


      Showing children pictures sometimes helps them to vocalize their ideas.

    • tā shì tú cóng sī xiǎng shang jiāng zhè liǎng jiàn shì fēn kāi


      She tried to dissociate the two events in her mind.

  • 2

    n.idea; intention; thought

    • rèn hé shí hou yě bù yào yǒu yī lài sī xiǎng


      Do not have the thought of dependence at any time.

Word usage

  • "思想" is often matched with measure word "种".
    • 思想

      one kind of thought