sōng shù

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.pine tree; pine

    • wǒ bǎ wǒ de yú gān kào zài sōng shù de yī gè dà shù zhī shang


      I rested my fishing rod against a pine bough.

    • sōng shù bèi fēng chuī wān le


      The pines bowed in the wind.

    • yǔ zài wài miàn shā shā de xià zhe cóng sōng shù shang dī luò zài fáng dǐng shang


      Rain pattered gently outside, dripping onto the roof from the pines.

    • sōng shù de nóng liè xiāng qì


      the rich scent of the pine trees

    • gāo dà de sōng shù


      tall pine trees

Word usage

  • "松树" is often matched with measure word "棵"or"排".
    • 松树

      one pine tree

    • 松树

      one row of pine trees

Chinese words with pinyin song shu