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dīng xiāng丁香lilac; lilac flower
xiān rén zhǎng仙人掌cactus
lán huā兰花orchid
yè叶leaf; leaf-like thing
hé huān合欢make love; silk tree
dà lì huā大丽花dahlia
kāng nǎi xīn康乃馨carnation
màn tuó luó曼陀罗datura
yuè jì月季Chinese rose
mù mián木棉bombax; silk cotton
yáng liǔ杨柳poplar and willow
sōng松pine; slack
zhī tiáo枝条branch
liǔ xù柳絮willow catkins
shù guān树冠crown
gēn根root; offspring
wú tóng梧桐wutong
hǎi táng海棠Chinese flowering crab apple tree; plum-leaf crab
mǔ dān牡丹tree peony
qiān niú huā牵牛花morning glory
méi gui玫瑰rugosa rose; rose
shān hú珊瑚coral
bái huà白桦white birch
bǎi hé百合artichoke; edible lily bulb
zhǒng zi种子seed; seeded player
zǐ luó lán紫罗兰violet; flower of such plant
zǐ jīng紫荆Chinese redbud
měi rén jiāo美人蕉canna
huā bàn花瓣petal
huā ruǐ花蕊pistil
mò lì茉莉jasmine
jīng茎stalk; a thing like a stem or stalk
hé huā荷花the flower of lotus; lotus
jú huā菊花chrysanthemum; asshole
kuí huā葵花sunflower
pú gōng yīng蒲公英dandelion; flower of dandelion
yù jīn xiāng郁金香tulip; flower of this plant
yín xìng银杏ginkgo biloba; fruit of ginkgo biloba
sōng shù松树pine tree
chú jú雏菊daisy
shān shù杉树China fir
xìng shù杏树apricot tree
dù juān huā杜鹃花Rhododendron simsii
bǎi shù柏树cypress
liǔ shù柳树willow
shù zhī树枝branch
shù pí树皮bark
táo shù桃树peach
sāng shù桑树white mulberry
huà shù桦树birch
yú shù榆树elm
róng shù榕树Chinese banyan
huái shù槐树Chinese scholar tree
zhāng shù樟树camphor tree
xiàng shù橡树oak
shān chá huā山茶花camellia
fēng shù枫树maple
zǐ jīng huā紫荆花bauhinia flower
shuǐ xiān huā水仙花daffodil