sù cài

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.vegetable dish (with no meat)

    • zhè xiē pú táo jiǔ pèi sù cài yě hěn hǎo chī


      These wines also make a good accompaniment for vegetarian dishes.

    • tā chī diào le nà pán sù cài dāng wǔ cān


      She had the vegetable plate for lunch.

    • yǒu xǔ duō dào sù cài kě gōng xuǎn zé


      There are plenty of vegetarian dishes to choose from.

Word usage

  • "素菜" is often matched with measure word "道"or"份"or"盘".
    • 素菜

      one vegetable dish

    • 素菜

      one vegetable dish

    • 素菜

      one vegetable dish

Chinese words with pinyin su cai