
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • adj.fulfill one's desire; satisfactory

    • wǒ zhū shì suì xīn


      Everything goes my way.

    • shāo bù suì xīn tā jiù shēng qì le


      If anything does not go his way, even slightly, he gets angry.

    • zhè jǐ jiàn shì bàn de tài bù suì xīn le


      He was far from being satisfied with the way the things were done.

    • rú yì suì xīn


      be perfectly satisfied

Word usage

  • "遂" and "心" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 事情结果终于

      The result finally fulfilled his desire.

    • 结果终于

      The result finally fulfilled his desire.