tàn jiān

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.visit a prisoner

    • měi tiān wǒ dōu dào yù zhōng tàn jiān ér tàn wàng de shí jiān què yī tiān bǐ yī tiān suō duǎn láo fáng duì tā de guǎn lǐ yě yuè lái yuè yán


      The daily visits I could make him were shortened now, and he was more strictly kept.

    • fù qīn lái tàn jiān shí tā chéng rèn duì zì jǐ shòu dào de cóng qīng pàn jué gǎn dào chà yì


      She confessed her astonishment at her light sentence when her father visited her at the jail.

Word usage

  • "探" and "监" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 儿子起来以后

      He hasn't visited the prisoner since his son was arrested.

    • 父亲

      His father visits the prisoner once a month.

    • 代表

      I visited the prisoner on behalf of my family.