
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.communicate by letter; correspond

    • wǒ men hěn jiǔ méi yǒu tōng xìn le


      We haven't writen a letter for a long time.

    • tā men yī zhí zài mì mì tōng xìn


      They have been communicating by letter secretly.

    • tā yāo qiú yǔ nǐ gōng kāi tōng xìn


      He asked to communicate by letter publicly with you.

  • 2

    v.transmit/convey message; pass on/convey information; communicate

    • tōng xìn shè shī bào fèi le


      Communication facilities are scrapped.

    • wǒ men xū yào liǎo jiě nǐ de tōng xìn xíng chéng


      We need to know about your communication itinerary.

    • nǐ liǎo jiě tōng xìn yuán lǐ ma


      Do you understand the principles of communication?

Word usage

  • "通" and "信" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 一直

      I've been corresponding with him.

    • 毕业没有

      He and I didn't correspond with each other after graduation.

    • 你们什么时候开始

      When did you start to correspond with each other?