tuī suàn

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.calculate; reckon; calculate the relevant numerical value on the basis of known data

    • yī jù tài yáng dì qiú yuè qiú yùn xíng de guī lǜ kě yǐ tuī suàn rì shí hé yuè shí fā shēng de shí jiān


      The time when solar and lunar eclipses occur can be calculated according to the regular patterns of movements of the sun, the earth and the moon.

    • yī jù wǒ de xīng xiàng tuī suàn jīn tiān yīng gāi shì yī gè jí rì


      According to my horoscope, today should be a lucky day.

    • jù wǒ tuī suàn tā yīng gāi cái liù shí suì gāng chū tóu


      I reckon he should still be in her early sixties.

  • 2

    v.tell fortune

    • yǐ qián yǒu hěn duō suàn mìng shī fu gēn jù zhōu yì tuī suàn


      In the past, many fortune-tellers calculated based on the "Book of Changes".