tuō guǐ

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.derail; run off the rails

    • chē lún yǐ zhèng chōng jiǎo tuō guǐ


      Derail a wheel in positive angle of attack.

    • tuō guǐ dào chà


      derailment switch

    • huǒ chē tuō guǐ le


      The train derailed.

  • 2

    v.metago off track

    • kē jì yǔ jīng jì tuō guǐ


      The track of science and technology and the track of the economy have diverged.

    • zá wén yào jiǎng xíng zá ér zhì bù zá bù néng tuō guǐ


      The essay strives for variety in form, not variety in quality, and it should not go off track.

    • gāi gōng sī de jì huà yīn xǔ kě xié yì wèn tí ér tuō guǐ


      The company’s plans were derailed by problems with licence agreements.

Word usage

  • "脱" and "轨" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 城市地铁

      The city's subway has never run off the rails.

    • 最近行为大家觉得

      His behavior has been improper recently and everyone thinks he's crazy.