tuō jiù

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.dislocate

    • tā jiān bǎng tuō jiù le


      He dislocated his shoulder.

    • tā tī zú qiú shí xī gài gǔ tuō jiù le


      He dislocated his kneecap while playing football.

    • tā cóng mǎ shang shuāi le xià lai jiān guān jié tuō jiù le


      She fell off her horse and dislocated her shoulder.

Word usage

  • "脱" and "臼" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 胳膊

      I have dislocated my arm.

    • 左手以前

      I have dislocated my left hand before.